
Department vision

The purpose of sociology at Bower Park Academy is to promote a student’s understanding of the social world around them. This will be best achieved through exploring sociological theories, challenging stereotypical views and critical thinking. To understand social context, we will develop the ability in our students to analyse and evaluate sociological theories, concepts, evidence and research methods.

Our curriculum promotes the understanding and application of both knowledge and skills. Students will be encouraged to reflect on their progress and learning by engaging in conversations where they can respond to, and act upon, feedback. Students use various methods of empirical investigation and analysis to develop critical and analytical thinking, writing ability, cultural competence, and self-awareness.

Our students are introduced to a wide variety of viewpoints from some of the most influential sociologists and thinkers throughout history. We study the impact these sociologists have made in shaping the world in which we live today, and students are encouraged to create links by drawing information from other subjects. Students analyse perspectives at different levels from competing theorists, in order to discuss their impact on our understanding of human behaviour, diversity of societies and forces for social change as a whole.

Sociology will broaden the students’ understanding of their world view and develop an appreciation for how our differences can be resolved through humility, respect and empathy. Students will be able to draw comparisons and contrasts of sociological concepts with their own experiences of the social world around them, which will bolster in them a more positive, informed and active role in society.

Our ambition for all students at Bower Park Academy is that when they finish their study of sociology, they will achieve personal excellence and build confidence and resilience. The demands of the curriculum encourage students to excel in the following:

• To understand relationships and tensions between social structures and individual agency, through analysis and application of sociological knowledge.

• To critically analyse information and use evidence to make informed arguments, reach substantiated judgements and draw conclusions.

• To apply their knowledge of how social control, power and inequality of the social structure impacts our society.

• To use sociological theories to examine social issues, debates and social changes.

• To understand and evaluate sociological methodology and be able to identify and assess the appropriate methods required to research different areas of society.

• To consider the strengths and weaknesses of different sociological theories.

What will my son/daughter learn at Key Stage 3?

Bower Park Academy offers sociology as a key stage 4 subject only.

Which GCSE Specification do we prepare students for?

We study the Eduqas specification.

What will my son/daughter learn at Key Stage 4?

Why are young black people eight times more likely to be stopped and searched than white people?

Why do girls do better at school than boys?

What does it mean to be poor in Britain today?

What is gang culture?

Sociology is the study of human society. Sociology concentrates on the way we make society, what it is and how society shapes us. Students will relate this to their own experiences of living in Britain. They will also study how societies have changed over time and how this differs across cultures.

The course is divided into six units:

Our first unit looks at key concepts in sociology, studying topics such as the ‘nature versus nurture’ debate and how gender roles are socially constructed.

Our second unit looks at families in Britain today, where we will examine the changes in divorce rate and the idea of ‘family diversity’.

Our third unit looks at education, where we will look at differences in attainment in ethnic groups and the advantages and disadvantages of different types of school.

Our fourth unit is focused towards social differentiation, where we will analyse big questions like, how does globalisation affect poverty in the UK? Do we live in a classless society?

Our fifth unit looks at crime and deviance in society.

Our final unit examines the enquiry and research methods used by sociologists.

Are there any websites that will support my son’s/daughter’s learning?


Short Cuts TV


The Sociology Guy


Head of Department: Miss L. O’Neill