Contact Us

Please use the links on this page to contact us. 

Parents wishing to get information about school places or appeals should click here to contact the local authority directly. If you are looking to join us as a member of staff, please check out our trust’s careers page.

Absence from school

To notify us of your child’s absence from school, please report it on Edulink. If you are unable to do this, email or call 01708 730244 and choose option 1.  

General Enquiries

Email: Telephone: 01708 730244

Bower Park Academy
Havering Road,
Essex. RM1 4YY

Lettings Information

To contact a member of staff

Please email that staff member. To discuss issues relating to a particular subject, please contact the class teacher in the first instance. For other issues, please contact your child’s form tutor. Further to this, you may find the following contacts useful:

Senior Leadership Team

Principal Mr E. Aylett

Vice-Principal Mr J. Shepley
Vice-Principal Mr K. Camy

Assistant Principal Ms L. Heffer
Assistant Principal Mr S. Gander
Assistant Principal Mr D. Sears
Assistant Principal Ms D. Charlton


Mrs J. Scott

Heads of Year

Safeguarding Contacts

Heads of Department