
Popular searches include: Uniform Calendar Coronavirus Admissions Curriculum

More Able

At Bower Park Academy we aim to help all our pupils to develop their skills and abilities, intellectually, emotionally and socially, as […]

Online Safety

At Bower Park Academy we believe that we all have a role to play in ensuring that children are kept safe whilst […]

Religious Education

Department vision To equip students with cultural, social, moral and spiritual knowledge that will prepare them for life experience. Religious education contributes […]

Physical Education

The physical education curriculum offered at Bower Park Academy is both traditional and diverse. New and exciting activities are constantly being provided, […]


Department vision Our department’s vision is to encourage students to aspire, achieve and excel in the realm of mathematics, and to guide […]


Department vision Our vision is for students to be able to look at the world around them with a sense of awe […]


Department vision “We know what we are, but know not what we may be” – William Shakespeare Our curriculum has been constructed […]

Design and Technology

Department Vision The aim of the department is to create independent problem solvers who are able to adapt to their environment and […]