Pastoral Curriculum

At Bower Park, every teacher is devoted to the educational, personal and social development of all pupils across the Academy. Our staff, in their roles as tutors, have a responsibility for the welfare and progress of our students. They are also responsible for promoting our Academy values, which underpin our pastoral culture and ensure we deliver a safe and supportive environment, in which our students can aspire, achieve and excel.

Pastoral care isn’t an ‘add-on’ or complementary practice; it sits at the core of our daily practice and starts from the moment students enter school. At the gate, we check readiness for learning ahead of tutor time, where students follow our bespoke programme targeting areas of their personal and academic growth, alongside a culture based on strong inclusive values.    


We link our weekly current affairs discussions to British Values to encourage students to challenge opinions and reflect on wider issues that affect the environment, democracy and the ability to empathise with others. Alongside this, our half-termly focus on Equality and Diversity is used to ensure that we model positive relationships and celebrate kindness and tolerance.


Through learning conversations, our tutors monitor students’ attendance, achievement and conduct. Termly rewards trips are planned to incentivise learners and to maximise opportunities to celebrate students’ achievements.


Through our half-termly aspirations and careers focus, we encourage our learners to think about their futures and to aim for the stars!  This value, alongside the Bower Park pledge, aims to ensure that all students are challenged to be accountable and responsible citizens, building skills towards their next steps.


Through self-reflection, we support students to understand their academic and personal progress. From an improvement in grades to embarking on a new experience, we celebrate progress daily.

Finally, we develop our sense of a shared community by using our Student Leadership Team to promote wellbeing. We believe that a student’s wellbeing is intrinsically linked to their chances of success. That is why we promote our wider curriculum offer through the core tenets of the NHS 5 Steps to Wellbeing: be connected, be active, take notice, keep learning and give back to others.

We believe that tutor time is the key to preparing learners for the day ahead, as well as addressing our whole school ethos and ensuring that it prioritises the emotional, social and physical health and wellbeing of our students.

  • Relationships
  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Repair
  • Reintegration

At Bower Park Academy we see ourselves as a family, and, as a family, we want the very best relationships with all our members.  Our behaviour policy is designed to reflect this. We place kindness towards each other and respect for each other’s feelings at the heart of our policy. If a member of our family is successful in any way, we celebrate their success. If one of our family is struggling with something, we take responsibility and try to repair things. Kindness, respect and reintegration underpin everything we do at Bower Park Academy, and are at the centre of our core values.

Academy Rules

  • Be ready for learning. Arrive to your lessons smart, motivated and equipped to learn.
  • Be responsible for your attitudes and behaviour. Don’t disrupt others’ learning, and be responsible for your own.
  • Be respectful to our community and environment. Follow instructions first time, every time. Respect personal space and school property.

Our goals are to promote self-discipline, nurture a regard for authority and create positive relationships with others, based on mutual respect.  We aim to develop a culture of positive behaviour for learning that leads all students on a successful pathway.